Hey everybody,
I'm afraid I have a little bit of announcement to make, but I can assure you its nothing close to bad news.
The bad news is that I'm going to have to put written deck surgeries and Card of the Days on hold until Monday, but the good news is that the reason why is really exciting.

Latest Episode

Thursday, 30 June 2011
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
COTD - 28th June 2011 - Engineer's Adjustments UL
Today's pick is Engineer's Adjustments from HS: Unleashed.
This card has always been one that people want to try, but it just hasn't lived up to its potential. Engineer's Adjustments allows you to discard an energy card from your hand and then draw 4 cards. Now this sound like a great deal, but in some decks it just wouldn't be worth the supporter use.
However, with this new format, I wouldn't be surprised if we see this in some upcoming decks. Since most decks without Magnezone Prime don't have much draw power, this card could be included just to get the ball rolling with their deck. The only reason of being put off is because Engineer's has to take up your supporter for the turn, meaning no Sage's, Collector or Juniper at the same time.
This card has always been one that people want to try, but it just hasn't lived up to its potential. Engineer's Adjustments allows you to discard an energy card from your hand and then draw 4 cards. Now this sound like a great deal, but in some decks it just wouldn't be worth the supporter use.
However, with this new format, I wouldn't be surprised if we see this in some upcoming decks. Since most decks without Magnezone Prime don't have much draw power, this card could be included just to get the ball rolling with their deck. The only reason of being put off is because Engineer's has to take up your supporter for the turn, meaning no Sage's, Collector or Juniper at the same time.
Monday, 27 June 2011
COTD - 27th June 2011 - Rainbow Energy
Today's Card of the Day is Rainbow Energy, recently reprinted in HGSS: Base Set.
This card has been around for a while and was event printed in a Double Rainbow Energy version in EX: Crystal Guardians. However, today it is just in the single version and acts as any type of energy when attached to one of your Pokemon. The cost for this is that you have to put 1 damage counter on the Pokemon you decide to attach this energy to.
Sounds like a fair deal, but when would we really need to use this card? Well, if you have multiple attackers in one deck, you could include Rainbow Energy so that you have the option to attack with both, without having to run multiple energy types.
This card has been around for a while and was event printed in a Double Rainbow Energy version in EX: Crystal Guardians. However, today it is just in the single version and acts as any type of energy when attached to one of your Pokemon. The cost for this is that you have to put 1 damage counter on the Pokemon you decide to attach this energy to.
Sounds like a fair deal, but when would we really need to use this card? Well, if you have multiple attackers in one deck, you could include Rainbow Energy so that you have the option to attack with both, without having to run multiple energy types.
Sunday, 26 June 2011
COTD - 26th June 2011 - Dunsparce UL
My pick for today is the rather unusual Dunspace from HS: Unleashed. This card features an average 60HP for a Basic, is of Colourless typing and has just one attack.
Its attack is called 'Return' and costs just a single Colourless Energy. This attack does 10 damage and simple allows you to draw cards up until you have 6 cards in hand. This for me puts Dunsparce into the 'Starter' category and is actually a pretty decent one. At the moment, Baby Pokemon are the choice for starting off the game with the most popular ones being Tyrogue and Cleffa since they have attacks the refresh the hand and do pretty nice damage.
Its attack is called 'Return' and costs just a single Colourless Energy. This attack does 10 damage and simple allows you to draw cards up until you have 6 cards in hand. This for me puts Dunsparce into the 'Starter' category and is actually a pretty decent one. At the moment, Baby Pokemon are the choice for starting off the game with the most popular ones being Tyrogue and Cleffa since they have attacks the refresh the hand and do pretty nice damage.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
COTD - 25th June 2011 - Energy Search BW
First off, let me just apologise for no COTD yesterday. Things have been pretty busy at the moment with my videos and, on that subject, the next episode of PokeClass will be out on Sunday (tomorrow) rather than today for the same reason. So enough of that and onto our card for today which is Energy Search from Black and White.
This card is as simple as its title. This trainer card allows you to search your deck for a basic energy card and the place it into your hand, very simple yet sometimes very effective.
I personally haven't found big enough reason to slip this into my builds yet, but I have seen a few people doing so if their deck runs multiple kinds of energy.
This card is as simple as its title. This trainer card allows you to search your deck for a basic energy card and the place it into your hand, very simple yet sometimes very effective.
I personally haven't found big enough reason to slip this into my builds yet, but I have seen a few people doing so if their deck runs multiple kinds of energy.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
COTD - 23rd June 2011 - Relicanth CL
Today's choice is Relicanth from Call of Legends. Apart from being a pretty old looking fish, this card has some okay stats.
Relicanth is a Water type Pokemon with 80HP, two attacks and comes in Basic form. It also features a Grass weakness instead of the expected Lightning which is a nice touch, so let's talk about attacks.
I'm going to talk about the second attack first since its the worst out of the two. 'Granite Head' costs a Water energy and a Double Colourless and does 30 base damage. The small print also tells us that any damage from attacks towards Relicanth is reduced by 30 which isn't too bad. Unfortunately, this attack is just a bit too costly for what it does so it will probably end up being one of those attacks you just pretend isn't there.
Relicanth is a Water type Pokemon with 80HP, two attacks and comes in Basic form. It also features a Grass weakness instead of the expected Lightning which is a nice touch, so let's talk about attacks.
I'm going to talk about the second attack first since its the worst out of the two. 'Granite Head' costs a Water energy and a Double Colourless and does 30 base damage. The small print also tells us that any damage from attacks towards Relicanth is reduced by 30 which isn't too bad. Unfortunately, this attack is just a bit too costly for what it does so it will probably end up being one of those attacks you just pretend isn't there.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
COTD - 21st June 2011 - Musharna BW
Today's Card of the Day is Musharna from our latest set, Black and White.
Musharna is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon with 90HP, two attacks and gives us a fairly nice idea for a rogue deck this format.
The first attack 'Hypnotic Ray' does 20 damage for one Psychic energy and also sends the defending Pokemon to sleep. This is a fairly efficient attack seeing as rendering the defending Pokemon useless for your opponent's next turn can give you a good heads up on the game. However, with Switch being ran in decks featuring heavy retreat cost Pokemon, this may be easier to get around than you think. Pair this with the fact that this will be pretty useless against Baby Pokemon seeing as they love to sleep anyways.
Musharna is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon with 90HP, two attacks and gives us a fairly nice idea for a rogue deck this format.
The first attack 'Hypnotic Ray' does 20 damage for one Psychic energy and also sends the defending Pokemon to sleep. This is a fairly efficient attack seeing as rendering the defending Pokemon useless for your opponent's next turn can give you a good heads up on the game. However, with Switch being ran in decks featuring heavy retreat cost Pokemon, this may be easier to get around than you think. Pair this with the fact that this will be pretty useless against Baby Pokemon seeing as they love to sleep anyways.