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Tuesday 28 June 2011

COTD - 28th June 2011 - Engineer's Adjustments UL

Today's pick is Engineer's Adjustments from HS: Unleashed.
This card has always been one that people want to try, but it just hasn't lived up to its potential. Engineer's Adjustments allows you to discard an energy card from your hand and then draw 4 cards. Now this sound like a great deal, but in some decks it just wouldn't be worth the supporter use.
However, with this new format, I wouldn't be surprised if we see this in some upcoming decks. Since most decks without Magnezone Prime don't have much draw power, this card could be included just to get the ball rolling with their deck. The only reason of being put off is because Engineer's has to take up your supporter for the turn, meaning no Sage's, Collector or Juniper at the same time.
Decks are going to have to run higher counts of energy now since attack costs are higher and drawing into it needs to be easier, so losing just one to draw 4 new cards isn't a bad idea.With Energy Retrieval now been released, we can even get the energy back we just discarded to effectively have drawn 4 cards for no cost.
I am yet to try out this card extensively, but I can definitely see the potential here. Just giving you those extra few cards could be crucial to your game, but it would have to be a deck that doesn't rely on any other supporter to get going, like Yanmega needs Judge and Copycat for example.
The other thing you don't want is to be discarding special energy on this one. Discarding things like Rescue and Double Colourless energy to draw 4 extra really isn't worth it since you are going to need those energy, but can't get them back at all. This means it won't see use in decks such as DonChamp and Cincinno, both of which need those Double Colourless to get going.
Overall, this is a very interesting card which can have some great potential this format. With decks needing a lot more draw power if they don't have Magnezone, then this card could be the answer. Why don't you try it out in your decks and comment below how you get on? I'm going to give this card a solid 5/10. This score may go up or down depending on further testing, but it has a great effect. The only thing that lets it down is having to take up your supporter for the turn, which may be why we aren't seeing it being played much.

Thanks for reading today's COTD and check back tomorrow for the next one!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow that is very intersting to hear.I might try it my magneboar deck to get the draw power thanks for the idea.

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