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Tuesday 21 June 2011

COTD - 21st June 2011 - Musharna BW

Today's Card of the Day is Musharna from our latest set, Black and White.
Musharna is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon with 90HP, two attacks and gives us a fairly nice idea for a rogue deck this format.
The first attack 'Hypnotic Ray' does 20 damage for one Psychic energy and also sends the defending Pokemon to sleep. This is a fairly efficient attack seeing as rendering the defending Pokemon useless for your opponent's next turn can give you a good heads up on the game. However, with Switch being ran in decks featuring heavy retreat cost Pokemon, this may be easier to get around than you think. Pair this with the fact that this will be pretty useless against Baby Pokemon seeing as they love to sleep anyways.

The second attack 'Dream Eater' for just two Psychic energy does 90 damage, but only if the defending Pokemon is asleep, otherwise it does nothing. The cost for the attack is actually very nice, but the condition for the attack isn't so. You would have to rely on your opponent flipping two tails on sleep between turns for this attack to work efficiently, so is there another way we can get this working quicker?
Well actually there is. Hypno from HeartGold SoulSilver is a great partner for this card because of its Poke Power 'Sleep Pendulum'. At any time during your turn, you flip a coin and if heads, you send the defending Pokemon to sleep. Hitting heads on this Power will give you a Dream Eater straight away with only having to rely on one of your own flips for it to work. Not only this, but if you have more than 2 Hypnos in play, you will have more chance of sending the opponent's Pokemon to sleep, ready for its dream to be eaten.
Overall, this is a very interesting card which can be built into a deck featuring an interesting strategy. However, as annoying as this deck can be, there may just be too many outs to get away from sleep and the damage output isn't great. The Musharna/Hypno deck can work nicely, but just loses out to the top tier since it's a little slow and the damage isn't great. Too many flips for my liking.
Besides that, this card is actually not bad so I'm going to give it 6/10. A card with good potential, but it just isn't going to be able to stand up to top tier. Have a go with it yourself since, I must admit, it is a fun deck to play!

Hope you enjoyed today's choice and I'll see you tomorrow for more!



Anonymous said...

hypno and musharna in a deck together with an amzing combo like that sounds awesome and intresting as well.Thanks for the idea.

Mark said...

This is actually a pretty interesting card. Since it'd only require a couple stage 1's, it can be pretty fast,and make use of Jirachi/Shaymin. It's just a tad too flippy to be competitive against other meta decks, but I think it would be a pretty fun league deck to play.

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