This is the list I was given:
2-2 Muk UD 1-1-1 Crobat Prime UL 1-1 Houndoom Prime UD 1 Jirachi UL 1 Celebi Prime TM | 2 Black belt 2 Interviewer's Questions 2 Judge 3 Pokemon Collector 2 Professor Elm's Training Method 3 Professor Oak's New Theory 3 Rare Candy 2 Seeker | 4 Special Dark 4 Double Colourless 4 Grass 8 Psychic |
I would also take out the Celebi Prime simply because it doesn't really give you much to work with. It does give you an extra energy attachment, but that will have to be spent on getting it out of the active spot, meaning it really isn't doing much for you at all.
Instead of the Crobat Prime, you should consider using Yanmega Prime. Since you already run Judge, you will be able to snipe for stronger damage for free, or even use 'Sonicboom' to finish off an already damaged Pokemon.
If I were to build the same list as you, here's what it would look like:
Pokemon - 23 | T/S/S - 23 | Energy -14 |
4 Cleffa HS/CoL | 2 Interviewer's Questions 4 Judge 4 Pokemon Collector 3 Copycat 3 Rare Candy 3 Professor Juniper/PONT 2 Professor Elm's Training Method 2 Black Belt | 4 Double Colourless 6 Psychic 4 Grass |
This build should give your deck more stability during games. I've traded the Crobat in for Yanmega simply because the snipe is better and makes for a better and quicker way to deal damage around the board. The extra poison from Crobat's attack is nice, but I think you'll find Yanmega helps you deal better damage as you can always use 'Linear Attack' to deal 40 damage to the active plus another 10 for the posion. If you do miss the Crobat still, you can change the Yanmega for a 2-1-2 Crobat and a 4th Rare Candy. Yanmega helps you massively in the Donphan matchup also.
I switched up your Trainers and Supporters to help you to deal damage with Yanmega and disrupt the opponent as much as possible while they are locked. I also changed it so your only trainer is Rare Candy since you don't plan on using any others after you've got Vileplume out.
The energy was changed so that you can still use Yanmega's attacks if it isn't going well for you in keeping the same hand size. I kept in the Double Colourless along with the Interviewer's Questions so that you can still make full use of 'Pester' since it is a fairly powerful attack when combined with poison.
Cleffa has also been added as a starter since it has a great ability to get you out of bad starts and just net you a few extra cards if needed.
That's pretty much all I feel I can help you with about the deck. I hope what I've highlighted helps you out in taking this deck further since it is a very interesting idea.
Thanks for sending me your list and the rest of you subscribe to the mailing list to see if your list gets published during the week.
That is a really intresting deck poison and distrubtion is so amazing it's really intresting and might be popular in future decks.
I wish I had a Yanmega prime to use instead of Crobat prime.. I like Crobat's actual attack over Yanmega's though.. assuming they KO your active with their Donphan prime, hit them with Severe poison, then they either are forced to retreat, or get KO'd after my next turn. which I would simply use to snipe something on the bench. both Golbat and Houndoom Prime have attacks that force the active to stay active. with Switch out of the equasion, you can stall them out with mean look or with Dark Clamp. also, being able to burn somewone while Houndoom is on the bench, then hitting with Pester is quite nice. also, Metang's Energy Crane attack is quite nice and Metagross has far better attacks than Dodrio.
I'm 50/50 on Cleffa. I am always weary of techs that can't also be secondary attackers.
I'll playtest your ideas and may add in a Cleffa or two (since I don't own any Yanmega prime)
i made an article on SixPrizes about this card a while back and always loved the idea of this type of disruption: currently i am tinkering around with Venomoth from triumphant so that you can still deal damage to their active without the need to sludge drag it away so that you can sludge drag it back with conditions and then attack to KO (taking 3 turns, when this deck is ment to be fast :P ), i find a flip on a poison moth wind can mean 90 dmg can rack up early either making their attacker less viable meaning its an active dead weight or they do decide to invest engery and resources in powering it up, only to be KOd by a benched muk or spec conditions it has on it, also the poison can act as a plus power in general
I understand being 50/50 on Cleffa, but it isn't a tech, it's a starter. Not all pokemon can be a secondary attacker, but several that can't can still be greatly beneficial.
You definitely made some very good changes, but I have to question the Interviewer's Questions. With a very solid 10 draw Supporters and 14 Energy, you could drop the Interviewers altogether for more consistency cards or a thicker line of something.
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