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Friday, 17 June 2011

COTD - 17th June 2011 - Bouffalant BW

My Card of the Day today is Bouffalant from the latest Black and White set. This card received a fair bit of hype when it was first announced/released since it was Colourless typing and has an attack that can do a high amount of damage for just a Double Colourless Energy.
Bouffalant is all about its first attack 'Revenge'. This appropriately named attack does 20 base damage, but if one of your Pokemon was knocked out last turn, it does 70 more which makes 90 in total. As mentioned in the above part, this card was incredibly hyped through the Colourless typing seeing as it could one hit KO a Garchomp C Lv.X after taking a KO for just a Double Colourless.
But those were the days when we were expecting a Majestic Dawn to Black and White format which thankfully didn't happen. Instead, this card has slowly been forgotten since Colourless Weakness isn't as prominent as it once was.
However, this card is still a very solid "revenge" attacker. 90 damage for just one DCE is still a respectable amount, but it will only work in certain decks.
The main thing is that the deck needs to already be running a high count of DCE to make full use of this card without using up your resources. I personally wouldn't use this card in a deck with anything other than 4 DCE for that reason. One deck that immediately springs to mind when debating this card is Cincinno. This deck is set to be the new age Jumpluff in its ability to do big damage, depending on your bench for just a DCE. So this is where Bouffalant should be able to fit in. Seeing as Cincinno runs heavily off of DCE, you will be able to fit a Bouffalant in to get a nice 90 return damage if a Cincinno just isn't ready to go yet.
Overall, Bouffalant is a very splashable card, but only if you run DCE anyway. I wouldn't attempt to attach two energy to this simply because you need it as a direct response to a KO from your opponent's turn. With a decent HP of 100 for a basic and the usefulness in some, but fairly limited decks, I'm going to give Bouffalant an average 6/10.

Thanks for reading today's COTD and I hope you check back tomorrow for the next one!



Anonymous said...

Buffalant is ok but still it seems to be good in colorless rush decks and nothingelse. it is an intresting card though to use.I would rate it a 4/10 because of the limited options this card can be used in

froggy25 said...

It's useful against Rayquaza Deoxys LEGEND for the revenge kill

ApokemonTrader said...

i find using it, you get the counter but then you either waste a DCE to retreat or they can just knock it out next turn, either way, a DCE is lost in the process, in decks like cinccino every DCE is crucial when the late game comes into play and losing it through this tech is a pain, it recieved hype but i only see it as an RDL slayer

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