My pick for today is Tyrogue which originally featued in the HGSS Base Set, but was reprinted with different artwork in Call of Legends.
Tyrogue is one of the newly popular 'Baby' Pokemon, putting it into the starter category for this format. This particular Baby sports the traditional 30HP along with a single Poke Body and a lone attack.
The Poke Body 'Sweet Sleeping Face' is standard with any of the Baby Pokemon and states that this Pokemon can't be damaged by attacks if it's asleep. Now this actually acts as a very nice form of defence if things aren't going your way or if you need to slow your opponent down for a crucial turn so that you can get ahead in the game. The only thing about this Poke Body is that it's unpredictable.
Fair enough it acts as a very nice stall technique for your opponent to get around, but the unpredictability of flipping heads when you need to will lower this card's rating. So now you're familiar with the Poke Body, you may be wondering how to get Tyrogue to sleep and that's where the attack comes in.
'Mischievous Punch', for no energy does 30 damage and Tyrogue then falls asleep. So this is where the act of sleep occurs, but 30 damage for no energy is definitely not something to ignore. This attack is actually pretty powerful for the energy cost and has quickly earned this card 'anti-Cleffa' status. If your opponent starts with a lone Cleffa and it doesn't stay asleep, you can attack it with Tyrogue for a swift KO and the donk. This may not happen often, but even if you opponent starts with a Cleffa (which won't be a rare thing now) you can get a very early KO , getting you ahead in the prize exchange early on in the game.
Overall, this card is a good play for the next format considering how popular Cleffa, or any other Baby Pokemon will be when we hit next season. Along with the very handy Poke Body, Tyrogue can net you a few turns to set up behind it, or just stop your opponent in their tracks. Not to mention the free retreat makes it more versatile during the course of the game as well.
I'm going to give this card a strong 8.5/10. A powerful little starter that we should see cropping up in times to come. Even though the flip on sleep can hinder you slightly, it isn't enough to take away from the impact its first attack will have in the early stages of the game.
Thanks for reading and I hope you visit again tomorrow for the next COTD!
Wow, I've never seen it that way before, i think that might be the way to go seeing as though cleffas are everywhere. Even if they dont start cleffa, 30 damage on the first turn, to what could be their main attacker is pretty decent.
I didn't know tyrouge was made in the hhss set call of legends it seems to be pretty helpful so i can see it only in the early games if not well it won't last long on the field so i agree with the rating.
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