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Saturday, 11 June 2011

COTD - 11th June 2011 - Lanturn Prime UL

Today, my chosen card of the day is Lanturn Prime from HS: Unleashed. This card is a Stage 1 of Lightning typing, has double Weakness to Fighting and 2 Retreat Cost. It also boasts a single Poke-Power and one attack.
The Poke Power 'Underwater Dive' is an interesting one which allows you to
change Lanturn into a Water type for the duration of the turn. This helps immensely against one of its biggest weaknesses, Donphan by being able to hit for weakness.
The attack costs just a Lightning and a Double Colourless making it fairly easy to load up in two turns. This attack can be very powerful considering it hits for 40 plus 10 for each energy attached to all of your Pokemon. That means Lanturn does 70 damage just for having the correct energy to attack, not including any other energy attached to other Pokemon.
You could easily pair this with Feraligatr Prime to make full use of its Poke-Power 'Rain Dance' to attach a lot of energy in one turn, also being able to attach to Lanturn after using its Underwater Dive. This can total a nice amount of damage if you manage to attach more energy with Feraligatr's Rain Dance onto benched Pokemon or another Lanturn Prime you want to set up.
This Pokemon will also have some synergy with the new 'Ability Emboar' from Black and White seeing as Emboar can attach energy to any Pokemon it likes. With a deck with Lanturn and Emboar, you will be able to attach multiple energy per turn (as with Feraligatr) but be able to make use of draw engines such as 'Roast Reveal' Ninetales and the more appropriate 'Fermenting Liquid' Shuckle Promo. Using Emboar to attach to Shuckle to draw more cards will count towards Lanturns extra attack power which could lead to some high damage.
However, with a weakness to Fighting, my rating will have to slip slightly since Donphan will take care of this Pokemon before Lanturn has appropriate chance to return the KOs in time.
I'm going to give Lanturn Prime a fairly solid 7.5/10 because it has a good chance to make a decent deck in this new format, but the weakness to Donphan and being slower than Donphan means it could struggle when it comes to the metagame.
Hope you enjoyed the first ever Card of the Day from me and check back tomorrow for the next one. If you have any comments or think differently to my rating, then please comment below.
Thanks for reading,


MIKE said...

Hey great COD Dan, a really interesting choice and an excellent review seeing that you gave an adequate explanation as to what it does and cards that it will work well with, I'm really excited for your next COD over other websites, I have a feeling your going to point out some great cards that alot of players are letting slip through the cracks!

Anonymous said...

well i haven't experinced it much but i am suprised about it not being to stand up to donphan I wish it could so we could around donphans attacks i don't know whatbto rate this card.

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